Engineering Services

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Our specialized team will perform the Operation and Maintenance of EHV, HV Gas Insulated Switchgears (GIS) for the following makes.

  • 400 kV GIS - VA TECH and Siemens
  • 132 kV GIS - Merlin Gerin, Holec, Hitachi, JAEPS, Toshiba and Siemens
  • HV testing of GIS and PD monitoring and PD pattern interpretations.
Recent 132 kV GIS maintenance project in UAE

Carried out the removal of the GIS link to lower the 132 kV power cable for HITACHI 132 kV GIS including associated SF6 William Hill Live CasinoGas work at DEWA 132 kV Substation as per the order from contractor M/s EEE Dubai.

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